Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Scrutinizing: Deadly Creatures Wii

I was watching the developer walkthrough video for Deadly Creatures on the Wii, when I felt the urge to comment some of the in-game images. Who knows, maybe some developer will stumble upon this and at least take some points into consideration, from a humble gamer who wants to see this game succeed.

So, let's get started:

1. In the above image, although the model and textures look quite nice, there is an overall "bland" feeling, like the scene lacks some lighting. Maybe some bump maps could add a fine specularity to the creature skin (the Wii hardware can do that natively, AFAIK).

2. Again, the scorpion body is perfectly modeled, but there is no specularity. I suspect that even a measly environment map could do the trick. The shadow also looks too weak.

3. I'm not so sure about this rat. It looks evil enough, but it also looks a bit like a bat (heh, that sounds funny). Maybe its fur could be modeled as a series of concentric textures, like the bee queen in Super Mario Galaxy.

4. This scene looks great, I love the camera angle and the subtle focus. I just hope the textures for that man in the background are detailed enough... Also, the TV screen could emit some sort of colored local light.

5. This is where we can see a cool gameplay aspect, as the bug walks over walls and objects in all directions as the camera follows it from behind. My only gripe with this scene is the same from the previous scene: no local lights on the TV screen.

6. Please guys, spend 3 or 4 more quads in this particle system. Seriously!

7. Lighting is a bit awkward in this scene, as both characters are dark while the floor is well lit. There are no shadows below them whatsoever, and again, no specular lights on the snake's scales (that could make it look even more terrifying in the dark).

Well, I think this is it for now.
I hope this game turns out to be a big hit :)
(oh, and BTW, sorry about the bad English).

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